In light of the Church Report’s list of the Top 50 most influential churches, I decided to share a couple of ways some of these churches have influenced me:
#1 – Willowcreek – They taught me that leadership and vision are critical to the success of any church.
#2 – Saddleback – They taught me to keep the unchurched in mind in everything we do.
#3 – Northpoint Community Church – I’ve learned so much from Northpoint, but their greatest influence on me has been how to preach with only one point (This has been the greatest blessing to me and increased my effectiveness in communication ten-fold).
#4 – Fellowship Church – Ed taught me that creativity is not an option and to keep focused on Sunday.
#6 – Southeast Christian Church – Bob Russell modeled for me how to finish well.
#7 – – They are great at so many things, but their open source site, even though we haven’t used anything they’ve done, influenced me to be more kingdom-minded.
#9 - Brooklyn Tabernacle - Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire changed my life. They taught me to pray like I believed God was listening.
#12 – Mosaic – This should be a post in and of itself, but Erwin taught me to speak with passion and dream big. Erwin’s books have been life changing. I have read all of them at least twice. Erwin is one of my heroes.
#17 – Mars Hill Bible Church – Rob taught me that it was OK to love history, Jewish culture, and geography. He modeled a style of teaching that you can give people information without being boring and take them on a journey at the same time.
#18 – Capo Beach Calvary – Chuck Jr.’s books have helped me so much to understand postmodern culture. His book, “The End of the World as we know it” is an absolute must. I respect his courage to be a thinker and not simply a repeater.
#22 – Mars Hill Bible Church (Seattle) – Mark Driscoll taught me that being missional isn’t optional.
#23 – New Hope Christian Fellowship – I learned from them that teamwork is a must! Wayne’s book “Doing Church as a Team” has influenced so much of how I operate as a leader.
#31 – Grace Community Church – I’ve read over 20 of John’s books, including almost all of his commentaries. His passion for the Bible, whether you agree with him or not, should be applauded. He influenced my passion for Scripture.
#33 – Harvest Christian Fellowship – Greg Laurie showed me that you could be relevant and not compromise the truths of Scripture.
#37 – College Church – Kent’s commentaries were required reading when I was in Bible College. I still love his commentaries to this day. I love his commitment to teaching the Bible.
#40 – Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale – This church’s influence on me could easily be a book! I walked into this church having been a Christian for 2 weeks. 7 years later they ordained me as a Pastor. I would not be in ministry today if it weren’t for Bob Coy. He is the best man I have ever known. He has modeled everything I hope to be as a man and as a Pastor.
#44 – Oak Cliff Bible Church – Dr. Evans is the only person I turn my ipod off to listen to on the radio. His voice commands my attention and his messages demand my obedience. He influenced my conviction when I speak. Every time I have heard him, his conviction to what he’s saying becomes the message. He becomes the embodiment of the truth is seeking to express. I’ve learned through him that it’s hard to separate the messenger and the message.
Thanks for sharing the impact of these churches, pastors and ministries on your life Bob. Encouraging.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 01:53 AM
This is a great list. Thanks for the resources.
Posted by: bryonm | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 06:19 AM
Great post Bob. I was looking thru this list yesterday and was intrigued by the great diversity of styles and schools of thought. You put it all into words very well.
Posted by: rod pearcy | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 07:03 AM
Bob, I’m curious--do you think that any of the pastors of the ‘Top 50 Most Influential Churches’ might be considered a FALSE teacher? (If so, which one and why?)
Isn’t it true, for example, that Chuck Smith Jr. disassociated himself from the Calvary Chapel affiliation because his Emergent teachings are now labeled ‘questionable’ by CC?
BTW, Here is a different take on the same ‘Top 50’ list:
Posted by: Hermano Cisco | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 09:24 AM
Bob great post did a great job putting it out there!
Posted by: tadd Grandstaff | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 09:25 AM
Honestly, I don't if one of these people is a false teacher because I didn't know every church on the list. I personally like Chuck Jr. as I wrote. I would agree that some of his teachings might be considered questionable by some CC Pastors. I haven't heard all of his teachings. I do love his books. I would encourage you to read his books and not form an opinion based on sound bytes (I'm not saying you have. I'm saying some people have).
Posted by: Bob Franquiz | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 10:02 AM
Great post bro. Let's go catch a Marlins game...
Posted by: pedro Garcia | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 11:42 AM
Don't mean to make this sound as the suck-up-to-the-blogger hour, but your post here is humble, enlightening, and wise. Obviously, we don't need to agree theologically 100% in order to respect them & glean from their years of growing in wisdom while in ministry.
Rod- your insight as to the diversity of the group was excellent: we all bring difference of strengths to the Body, and we can learn from these leaders.
Posted by: Luis | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 11:44 AM
Looks like the biggies in the CGM voted for themselves and they can all sit around and applaud themselves. I forgot, church is for the unchurched to feel comfortable and not be confronted by the gospel and such topics as sin, heaven and hell, etc...
Looks like you may need to remove yourself from the CC affiliation with your association with emergents.
Posted by: Carolina Bill | Friday, July 14, 2006 at 06:36 PM
You sound very passionate about your opinion, but if I could be so bold, kindness will usually go a long way in expressing your opinion in a way so you are heard.
Just so you are aware, I don't have a problem with my CC affiliation, nor does Calvary Chapel. I am not associated with the Emergents, although if you mean I have read some books written, then I'm guilty as charged. I like to read a broad range of books and respect those (even if I don't agree) who don't simply repeat what they've always heard, but are willing to be thinkers.
Posted by: Bob Franquiz | Friday, July 14, 2006 at 07:11 PM
The gospel and the word of God do not change. Preach the Word. God does not require us to check in our brains and be a zombie, but you still need to "be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind"
(2Ti 2:1-7) "Therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit the same to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
Therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
No one who wars tangles with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who chose him to be a soldier.
And also if anyone competes, he is not crowned unless he competes lawfully.
It is right for the laboring farmer to partake first of the fruits.
Consider what I say, and the Lord will give you understanding in all things."
Posted by: Carolina Bill | Saturday, July 15, 2006 at 08:48 AM
I'm glad we agree...
Posted by: Bob Franquiz | Saturday, July 15, 2006 at 10:17 AM