OK, let me first say that I'm a 20% tipper when I go to eat at a restaurant. I'm also a generous tipper when someone delivers food to my house (I used to do this for a living when I was in Bible College, so I feel their pain).
But here's the gray area for me: Do you tip when you get curbside service at Outback (or another place that offers a similar type of service)?
2nd question: Do you tip when you have to go inside the restaurant and pick the food up at the bar?
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope...
I lean towards tipping everywhere I go. For multiple reasons. I was also in the food service industry at one time and I also feel their pain.Giving and genourosity are a good discipline for me to pracitce and I live in a relativly small community so tipping speaks volumes to the people who I come in contact with that later find out I am connected to a community of Christ followers.
Posted by: pete | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 11:41 AM
Bob, I paid my way through college waiting tables. I too am a 20%+ tipper.
I would say that tipping for pickup food service is not as necessary since no service has been provided. outside of packaging the food. I will throw a couple bucks...no more than 8% since that is the base requirement for reporting tips.
My question is what is an appropriate tip for a $15 haircut?
Posted by: travis johnson | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 11:44 AM
"I don't believe in tipping..." -Mr.Pink
J/K -I tip 20%+ at restaurants, but ZERO when I pick up food. Because I view it as a simple transaction. Do I tip the guy at 7/11 when I buy a Slurpee?
re: Haircuts...I don't know the etiquette on that, but I average about 25%...
Posted by: Bill LaMorey | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 01:18 PM
My dad was a waiter and a barber so I tip generously!
20% at restaurants, and when I get my 15 dollar haircut I tip $5...
I think 10% is good they are bringing it to your car...
Whenever I buy stuff around the town where I minister I always tip, I never want to run into somone at our church and for them to think of me as the jerk that doesn't tip.
A couple of bucks isn't going to break the bank...
If people are eating out they're not necessarily pinching pennies. If they were they'd eat at home.
Posted by: Mark Rodriguez | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 01:45 PM
I found this information on the Original Tipping Page, the link is: http://tipping.org/tips/TipsPageDeliveries.html
5-10 percent if they show you the food and offer complimentary items (plates, napkins, silverware) and help you carry large orders."
Hope that helps.
Posted by: Arlene | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 02:30 PM
Arlene: I respectfully disagree with you. First of all, let me preface it by saying that the lovely Lisa & I are big into tipping; she used to be a waitress at one of the finest seafood restaurants in the country for years, and I have a rule that I will disown any friend that does not tip 15% (plus double secret probation if you don't tip & leave a witnessing tract).
Having said all that, what I have read is that for curbside & bar pick-up, the rule of thumb is that they are akin to a bellhop that brings your luggage to your room; about $2 per bag.
Travis: anyone messing with your lettuce, give them a 20 & thank them.
Now that the simple stuff is out of the way, who are the 24 Elders in Revelation?
Posted by: Luis | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 03:12 PM
Just for the record, there is no real rule for tipping; tips are "something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service" per Webster's Dictionary. The key word is "voluntary", so what is given really is up to the person who gives based upon the service that was received. Tipping.org gives suggestions, but by all means give what is appropriate for the service provided.
Posted by: Arlene | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 03:49 PM
Let' snot over-spiritulize the issue! We should tip well because we're basically all better off financially than the person who's serving us our dinner. I'll tip anywhere in the 5%-20% range, depending on the service (I know, I'm a jerk).
No tipping for walking insid eto pick up food - I can't beleive that's even a question...
You get a buck for curbside. It took them 20 seconds for crying out loud!
Posted by: Jeff Thompson | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 05:59 PM
I've got no help for you on the haircut. I haven't paid for a haircut since middle school.
Bill, the tip the 7-11 guy comment was hilarious! (By the way, I thought of Mr. Pink while writing this)
Jeff - I'm with you on the food pick up. A buck or two for curbside makes sense. But dude, you've got to step up the tipping in general. A 5% tip? The guy would have to puke on me to get that. By the way, your Pastor is the biggest tipper I know.
Posted by: Bob Franquiz | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 06:52 PM
20% when sitting at a table; 10% when I pick up a called in order, curbside or at the bar carryout.
When's your b-day?
Posted by: bryonm | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 10:15 PM
It's on Saturday.
Posted by: Bob Franquiz | Monday, October 16, 2006 at 10:18 PM
I don´t believe in tipping for any kind of take out, even if they bring it to your car.
I do believe, and practice in tipping a waiter or waitress well.
At the barber i usually just give 5 bucks.
However, i like it here in peru where no one recieves any tips whatsoever, and its ok.
i always carry my own bags, but what about supermarkets?
what do you tip those guys that push your cart? more or less than the curbside drop offs?
Posted by: pedro | Friday, October 20, 2006 at 02:00 PM