There's a few books that I read over the last 3 months that I thought were really good and that I highly recommend:
The Blessed Life by Robert Morris - This book absolutely rocked my world. It is one of the best books on generosity and giving that I have ever read. It is a must read!
Leadership Gold by John Maxwell - This is John's best book since The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Great leadership principles.
Walking with God by John Eldredge - This book really challenged me to deepen my walk with God. It's classic Eldredge. If you like his other stuff, you'll love this!
The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes - If you are involved in hiring, the chapter on interviewing is worth the price of the book. It's a great read!
How to Become a Great Boss by Jeffrey Fox - I can't tell you how much I underlined in this book. Maybe it's because I'm so far from being even a mediocre boss :) I really enjoyed reading this book.
Activate by Nelson Searcy - If you want to do Small Groups in a way that gets 100% involvement, buy this book. If you want 20% involvement, but someone else's book. Nelson and Kerrick and living this stuff out! Don't do anything more with your groups until you read this book!
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