- Today was smooth. It was our 3rd week at the school and our systems seen to be running nicely.
- We continued in our New Testament Challenge series. I'm living this series.
- Taught on perseverance today. Seemed like it connected with a lot of people.
- We've got our whole church reading through the New Testament in 63 days.
- I'm doing it as well and it has been awesome! I've read the NT dozens of times, but there's something about reading it so quickly that's been great.
- This was our final week to sign up for Small Groups. 75% of the groups were totally filled. Im really excited about that.
- Church isn't that hard when you're only focusing on a few key areas.
- Mark and the band did a great job as always.
- Busy day on Tuesday. Meetings all day.
- Looking forward to our monthly coaching network on Wednesday.
- Thursday and Friday will be study days to finish up Sunday and hopefully get a little ahead.
- The Red Sox need a win tonight. They should have won game 2, but they handed it over.
- Read some good books last week. I will review them soon.
- I'm getting really excited about the church planters tele-coaching network that I'll be leading. We've got an awesome group of guys shaping up. If you want to participate, the link is here.
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