One of the easiest ways to get contact information is to ask for it in different environments. Here's a couple of ways to do that:
#1 - So if a first time guest is checking in children, make sure you get their contact information in your Children's Ministry. This way, if they make a decision in the service but don't fill out all of their info on the connection card, you still have the completed info from their children's check-in.
#2 - When you present the Gospel, let those who make a decision know that you want to mail them a book as a gift to help them take their first few steps of faith. I always mention my book "Start Here" and I have a copy on the pulpit which I show them. This will get more people to give their contact info.
#3 - Have an area for guests to get free stuff - we call this "the 10 minute party". We didn't come up with this idea, but our goal here is to give away some free stuff and have the guests sign our "guest book", which gives us their information as well.
Some will say, "So you're asking people to fill their info out 3 times?" Yes, but most aren't filling it out all 3 times. We have 3 places to capture info and our hope is to get it so we can help them take their next step of faith. Because as I mentioned yesterday, you can't follow up with those whose contact information you don't have.
For a complete follow up resource for New Believers, check out our New Believer Follow up System by clicking here.
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